
Operating Systems 2021-2 (OS212)

Main Links

  1. OS VLSM
    This is the main source for OS course. Many useful information can be found here.

Week 00

  1. What is Operating System?
    This link explains what is OS, types of OS, and features of OS. It is important to understand those basics as we are studying OS course.

Week 01

  1. Basic Linux Commands
    This link contains basic Linux commands. Useful for OS course because we use Linux all the time.

  2. Vi Commands
    This link contains the basic commands of Vi. Very useful if you are using Vim for editing.

  3. AWK Command
    This link contains AWK commands. Useful for scripting.

Week 02

  1. Cyber Security Introduction Part 1
    Cyber Security Introduction Part 1. Video length: 2 hours, 7 minutes, 7 seconds.
  2. Cyber Security Introduction Part 2
    Cyber Security Introduction Part 2. Video length: 2 hours, 26 minutes.
  3. Learning C Language
    C Language can be used to develop software like operating systems. This link provides us tutorial to learn C programming.
  4. What is GPG/PGP
    This week we generate GPG key. But what is GPG key? This link provides information about GPG key.

Week 03

  1. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
    This link will direct us into a pdf that explain about Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. This link is from OS WEEK 03 pdf. There we can find guidelines for file and directory placement under UNIX-like OS.
  2. Filesystem in Userspace
    This week we learn about FUSE. But what is FUSE? This link can give us a brief explaination about FUSE.
  3. What is Mount?
    This week, we heard a lot the word “Mount”. But what is “Mount”? This link will give us a brief explaination about mount in computing.

Week 04

  1. Little and Big Endian
    This week we learn about pointers and storing data into memory. We heard a lot about little and big endian. This link will give us explanation about little and big endian.
  2. C Pointers
    When studying this week material, we heard about pointers, pointers of pointers, etc. This link will give us explanation on how to use pointers in C programming language.
  3. C - Structures
    In C programming language there is this thing called Structures, but what is it? This link will give us explanation about what Structures is and how to use it.

Week 05

  1. Virtual vs Physical Memory
    This week we learn that there are Virtual and Physical Memory, but what is the difference between them? This link will educate us about the difference between them.
  2. Memory Paging
    What is memory paging? By clicking this link, you can learn about it.
  3. Memory Management
    Curious about what memory management is? Click this link to know more about it.

Week 06

  1. Fork in C
    This week we learn about fork in C language. But what is fork and what does it do? Click this link to know more about it.
  2. Concurrency vs Parallelism
    In OS, there are concurrency and parallelism. But what are they and what is the difference between them? Click this link to know more about it.
  3. Process Scheduling
    This week we also learn about process scheduling. How does it work? Click this link to find out.

Week 07

  1. Process Synchronization in Operating Systems
    This week we learn about synchronization in OS. To learn more about it, click this link.
  2. Threads in Operating Systems
    In Operating Systems there is this thing called threads. What is it? Click this link to learn about it.
  3. Semaphores in Operating Systems
    This week we also learn about semaphores in OS. Click this link to learn more about it.

Week 08

  1. Multiprocessor Scheduling
    This week we learn about multiprocessor scheduling in OS. It’s important for us to understand what is that.
  2. Multiprocessor Scheduling Algorithms
    There are several algorithms for multiprocessor scheduling. Click this link to learn more about it.
  3. Two State Process Model
    What is Two State Process Model? Click this link to learn more about it.
